Sunday, July 6, 2008

Unplanned activity at Palmgarten residence!

When I took these pictures I told Jesse...'I know we are not laughing now, but someday we will!' On Wednesday night, I woke at around 1:00 am to a thunderstorm and pouring rain. We had left some windows open to cool off the dining room so I decided to go and check to make sure everything was OK. As I walked into the dining room, I saw water pouring from the ceiling. I ran back to our room and woke Jesse and so began an all night battle for us. First we hauled out buckets and buckets of water and then when it finally stopped raining we had a HUGE water mess to mop up. Thankfully, our friend Rosemarie came along to help. Jesse and Rosemarie made a funnel out of a sheet of plastic to try to funnel the drips into a bucket. (These pictures were actually taken the next am when we had another down pour at around 10:00 am.)

This all could have been avoided if the contractor and his men would have covered the roof like they were suppose to. (If you look closely you can see the water coming down from the ceiling)

When another downpour started in the am, we could not longer keep up so the fire department had to be called in. What a difference it made to have them and their machines go to work! By this time Jesse and I were so exhausted we could hardly see straight. We did make it through the day but boy! did we sleep that night!

As a result, there is a lot of water damage in the apartment above the the leaky area area. Please pray as now ANOTHER big project to clean and redo this has to be fit in before the start of school!


Shawna said...

Whew. This is making me tired just looking at it!

Mrs. Michelle said...

NO WAY! This is too bad.
This is our blog! thanks for the idea Doris!
Michelle and Spencer