Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to town we go!

Look at this happy group and guess where we are going??? Today we took my 3 aunts and my Mom on a little Christmas shopping trip. My brother, Dan who has the patience of Job and is so very kind, was the driver. We found a wheel chair for Aunt Liz(95)and Jesse wheeled her all over. She had so much fun! What a hoot to have them choose McDonalds for lunch, Tim Hortons for coffee and donuts, and then Dairy Queen for ice cream. We ROLLED them all home safe and sound before dark. I think we all felt young today and had a blast enjoying time and food together. (Good thing we don't eat like that every day!)

1 comment:

Shawna said...

What an adorable picture!!!! It made me laugh! I might have to print this one out and frame it in my room!