Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fun afternoon at our Ladies Christmas Tea

Lots of goodies...

Live music...
These are three of the ladies in my Bible Study. Mary(center) played a big part in putting together the tea party. Diane and Myriam are keeping her company!
Heather, doing what she does best? smiling and taking pictures!
Special friends, Stefanie and Heather, helping me set up the table...or should I say setting up the table while I take pictures???

Some from our table, on the left, Melody(my niece) and Heather and right, Debbie and Shirley.
Ladies can sign up to host a table which means you also have to set it up however you like. It was a lot of fun just getting set up. The party was fun as well, hearing stories, playing games and singing carols. I am already looking forward to next year!


Sandee Shuman said...

How fun! The tables look beautiful! The black one is my favorite! :)

Shawna said...

Great deco!