Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kindertag 2012

Kindertag turned out GREAT! Lots of kids came...270! 22 kids made decisions for Jesus! Your prayers were answered! Thanks for praying!
When the kids arrive, they register and are divided into teams for the day. Throughout the day they earn points for their teams in many ways. At the end of the day the points are tallied and prizes are given out. It truly is an exciting day!
A little info you may enjoy:
420 (or so) hot dogs were consumed
70 kilo of french fries were consumed
and a VERY large amount of cookies and cakes were idea there??

Lots of kids for the music/message part of the day.

All day job for the cooks and helpers...

Yummy snacks!

Being with friends...(these guys are trying to hide the cookies in their cheeks)

Making new friends...

Creative games are an important part of Kindertag. Most of the games are new to the kids so it makes it fun and exciting. Everyone wants to win so they can get points for their teams.

Creating shapes with match sticks...

Not sure what the rice game was about but they sure were in to it!

Tallying the points at the end of the games. Who is going to win??

1 comment:

Shawna said...

GREAT pic of Sven and dad!