Thursday, June 26, 2008

BFA 20 year reunion

This past weekend was one of the best weekends we have ever had here at BFA. The class of 1988 had a reunion right back here at BFA. It turned out to be more than their class as the classes of '86, '87, '89 and '90 joined them making a total of a little over 100 people, including families. The 4 girls below were in our dorm and graduated in 1988. Below they are with their families!! What joy it was to hear their stories of how God is using them in all sorts of ministries! There was lots of laughing, sharing, tears of happiness and at the end tears of sadness as the weekend came to an end. I will try to add more pictures later but I have a team of 13 coming tomorrow and have a few things to do! Duh!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

GREAT pics! But I though Jenny Bales was coming? What happened?