Monday, June 16, 2008

A day in France!

We live about 18 km's from the border to France. Our friends Ken and Marilyn (Texas) are visiting us for 2 weeks. This past Saturday we spent the day visiting some quaint little villages about 1 hour from our house. We enjoyed being together, looking at the sights and flowers.

Can you tell Jesse misses the farm?

Anyone for a pretzel?

This sun dial still works!


Sandee Shuman said...

Wow! These pictures are amazing! Its beautiful in the winter but so much nicer with flowers! We have to go one of these weekends with Luke and Tyler. Lure them with promises of free macaroons! (O:
(Whats Jesse holding??)

Shawna said...

Those flowers ARE incredible. They must be glad it's been raining so much!