Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feeling Blessed and then some...

I woke up on the morning to this email from Shawna that left me with tears in my eyes...I am blessed to have such wonderful, thoughtful daughters!! Make sure you follow this post to the end!! (The roses above are from my wonderful husband!)

60 Things I Love About My Mom (by Shawna)

1. Loves God

2. Prays for me every day

3. Great cook

4. Loves others kids as much as she loves her own grandkids. . .well, almost.

5. Shows my roommates love and care every time she comes to visit me

6. Loves Dad

7. Delights in little pleasures, like making favorite meals/treats for people (Like Pecan tarts for Smid Boys)

8. Enjoys doing laundry

9. Gives me “My treat” moments in restaurants

10. Plays piano by ear

11. Finally accepted title of “Oma” and stopped dying her hair

12. Willing to speak truth into people’s lives, even if it hurts

13. Reminds me of promises of God when I need to hear them the most

14. Keeps up with my schedule of flying

15. Makes a point to call me or visit me every time I’m in Germany/Switzerland

16. Makes comments on my blog, even if she is the only one

17. Cuts my hair for free

18. Decorates her house seasonally, always something new

19. Gives great advice for decorating my own house

20. Enjoys gardening, and gives me advice about that

21. Encourages me when I’m trying to lose weight

22. Watches movies with me. . .until she falls asleep snuggled up in a blanket

23. Delights in Christian fiction, and doesn’t mind when I read the books I send first

24. Shares her books with those around her so they will be blessed

25. Can jump in at the last minute when there’s a hole somewhere in the dorms

26. I enjoyed singing duets with her for furlough

27. Can whip up enough cookies/breads to feed an army, no sweat.

28. Delights in getting “American” treats to share with others (Dr. Pepper, A&W)

29. Good listener

30. Taught me how to clean a house properly

31. She took time to read to me when I was growing up

32. She’s not afraid to drive large farm equipment when needed to help out

33. She has patience with kids and allows them to “help” her

34. She’s learning to maneuver the United website

35. She values time with family and makes it a priority

36. Takes time to write me snail mail notes every once in a while

37. Took time to braid and style my hair for me before school when I was growing up

38. Laughs so hard her eyes disappear

39. Jumps every time I scare her, which is quite a lot!

40. Shares her heart with me, even when she’s hurting

41. Values my input in conversations

42. She’s Canadian!!!

43. She gets excited when God answers prayer

44. When she gets together with her friends, she laughs ‘til it hurts

45. Motivates me to get a job done by her example

46. Makes a point to call HER mom and check in very often.

47. Sees the importance of dating dad

48. Allowing others to date in their marriage by taking care of their kids

49. Puts dad before herself (ie, date-night at Bauhaus)

50. Has a popular name. . .on Burgunderstrasse, that is.

51. Mends my uniform, or teaches me how to.

52. Keeps an eye out for things I might want/need in Germany

53. Makes sure she has the groceries to cook my favorite meals when I come home

54. Greets me at home with a welcome gift of flowers/chocolate

55. Spoils her grandbabies

56. Values keepsakes (ie, a wedding picture of her and dad as a gift)

57. Gives generously to me

58. She learns from her mistakes

59. She keeps me posted on world news, especially if it pertains to me

60. She’s a mom people are jealous of, ‘cause I’ve got it so good!

The Wilcox family (below is Sharla and Chiara) skyped yesterday to wish me a Happy Birthday and a happy day it was. They sang the birthday song complete with cake and candles. I got to make a wish and then Chiara blew out the candles and then got to lick the frosting off the candles. I am sure the cake was wonderful... am waiting for the report. I am so thankful for skype and being able to stay connected with family and friends! (The pictures were taken via skype!) Thanks Sharla and family for adding this special touch to my Birthday. What a fun memory to cherish!

I also want to thank so many wonderful friends and family for the cards, phone calls, face book/email/skype notes and e cards. In all I received about 70 greetings in one way or another! You all are very special to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am SO blessed!


Sandee Shuman said...

Very nice, Sharla and Shawna! I'm glad you had a special day, Doris. You deserve it! You touch and bless so many lives.

Shawna said...

Woo-hoo!!! You got over 60 cards/e-mails!!! :o )

Smith Fam said...

So glad you were blessed Doris! I loved the 69 truths Shawna wrote she is blessed indeed with you for a mama! I am blessed to know you as friend! Karen