Sunday, April 17, 2011

We were honored to be asked to join a group of friends from BFA who spent a week at a campgrounds on Lake Garda in Italy. It is our spring break time and thanks to some generous friends who blessed us on our 60th birthdays (and low season fares), we took the week off.
Our campsite...I know, I know there is no 'rough camping' here. It was very nice and it really paid to go off season, for several reasons...reasonable rates, no crowds and some of places of interest were free!
I'll be adding some pictures of Venice and Sirmione in the days to come. Lots of pictures to sort through!

Tuesday morning brunch all and delicious!

Jesse's Birthday celebration.

Enjoying fellowship with some of the group we vacationed with.

Lake Garda with the mountains in the back ground. We had lots of sunshine but the haze kept us from getting a clear view of the mountains.

Lunch on top of the world while driving through Switzerland!

Peggy waited for 3 years to see a bloom on this plant. It looked like it would bloom while she was gone and she was not about to miss it so she brought it along. I think she named it Ama.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

So, did Peggy's plant bloom or not?